Examples Of Mccarthyism In The Crucible

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The crucible by author Arthur Miller, is an allegory of McCarthyism. Miller uses the Salem Witch trials which occurred during the 1690’s to allegorize the red scare caused by senator McCarthy during the 1950’s. Miller perfectly uses the plot, and the characters of the play to symbolize McCarthyism and therefore to draw national attention towards the wrongdoings of McCarthy which is essentially what makes the crucible an outstanding, meaningful play The Salem witch trials were a series of hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft in colonial Massachusetts between 1692 and 1693. These unbiased accusations led to the ruined reputation of hundreds of people who falsely confessed to witchcraft, and led to the death of several others whom pride did not allow them to falsely confess.This is almost identical to what happened during the Red Scare, where senator McCarthy accused hundreds of people, including Arthur Miller of being communists, ruining their reputations and their lives. For instance during one of McCarthy's speeches, he said “I have here in my hand a list of two hundred and five men that were known to the secretary of state as being members of the communist party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping the …show more content…

McCarthy once said “There are today many Communists in America. They are everywhere -- in factories, offices, butcher stores, on street corners, in private businesses. And each carries in himself the germ of death for society.” This kind of talk made people fearful and caused them to point fingers at anyone they thought could be a communist regardless if they had evidence or not. McCarthy was not different from Abigail williams which falsely accused people and instilled fear throughout the town of Salem. “ I saw Sarah Good with the Devil! I saw Goody Osburn with the Devil! I saw Bridget Bishop with the Devil!