
Examples Of Mental Health Issues In The Great Gatsby

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A common problem seen in books and the real world is wealthy people dealing with mental health issues. However, these people’s mental health issues shouldn’t be so common considering the fact they have much more access to things than the average person. Money can certainly open doors to the best opportunities. Wealthy people have the ability to get anything they need to sustain a happy, healthy life. One big thing these people have access to is good or even the best mental health professionals and rehab centers. In The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Jay Gatsby experienced issues with his mental health just like real-world celebrities, even though they are all wealthy people who have access to the things they need to be happy. …show more content…

Gatsby’s sadness and other mental or emotional issues root in the loneliness that he experiences. The tragedy of Jay Gatsby wasn’t that he was alone in death, but that he wasn’t much less alone in life. Someone can be surrounded by people while simultaneously feeling lonely. Jay Gatsby most likely knew this, while he made the choice of surrounding himself with people, the reader gets the sense that his existence was a lonely one. In Chapter 3, it states “there were whispers about him from those who had found little that it was necessary to whisper about in this world”. This quote supports the point that people, especially those who attended Gatsby’s parties, never knew him but only knew of him. Gatsby is also consumed by his obsession with the past and his love for Daisy Buchanan. He is a man who has everything but the one thing he truly desires: Daisy’s love. In Chapter 6 it states “He wanted nothing less of Daisy than that she should go to Tom and say: ‘I never loved you.’ After she had obliterated four years with that sentence they could decide upon the more practical measures to be taken. One of them was that, after she was free, they were to go back to Louisville and be …show more content…

He admitted to experiencing anxiety attacks on the set of Spider-Man: Far from Home. Gyllenhaal stated, “I was freaking out and I remember not being able to remember my lines”. He has never mentioned using a mental health professional because of these attacks. Gyllenhaal simply resided in his coworker, Tom Holland, who would help him calm his nerves on set. However, Gyllenhaal has a network of $80 million dollars. He has the wealth to receive the best professional care. Even though we do not know how long Gyllenhall has experienced anxiety attacks if he were to receive proper care he could be treated and not have to experience them again. Gyllenhall also had the option to not take on a role in Spider-Man. He is wealthy enough to live comfortably without having to do a job that causes him so much

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