Examples Of Mission Command Of Pearl Harbor

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Pearl Harbor in relation to mission command structure Introduction Mission Command has some important facets that ensure the proper execution of commands within the military. The first mission of any military endeavor is to stay alive while protecting the interests of its nation (S.Alberts). The human race from primitive times has always sought to procure resources for their own survival. This situation created the need for fighting so as to end conflict through the use of force. Ensuring the survival of a combat group makes it necessary to have structure, organization and leadership (Creveld). The leadership is structured along the command chain and is what provides the first facet or principle of a mission command which is using mission command …show more content…

In an effort to function efficiently these groups developed structures that ensured its survival and order. Pearl Harbor is a classic example of nations fighting for resources in an effort to further its interests and betterment. Groups in primitive societies merged with other similar groups to increase their capacity to increase in wealth (Black). The same thing still happens to date even after these groups had fully evolved into kingdoms and nations. There their defense systems also evolved into national armies as fighting groups were consolidated into one centralized and formal fighting group. These formal fighting groups fought on behalf of their societies and in return were rewarded with payment in terms of money, recognition and honor. Pearl Harbor was a high and glorious moment in history for the Japanese while it was a low one for the Americans, which plunged both countries into World War II. The success of the Japanese was however short-lived as it did not plan and strategies to destroy the whole naval base which cost them a lot. Many nations have gone into war in an effort to procure the better good of their citizens while many others