Examples Of Modernism In The Great Gatsby

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Modernism specifically British Modernism stems back to the “rebellious attitude that flourished between 1900 and 1930 had, as its basis, the rejection of European culture for having become too corrupt, complacent and lethargic, ailing because it was bound by the artificialities of a society that was too preoccupied with image and too scared of change” (MDC). “The Modernist period is characterized by a sense of chaotic instability rooted in the revelation that collective social values are not particularly meaningful, leading to faithlessness, skepticism, and a confused sense of identity” (Kirschen). Modernism was coming to age right when WWI kicked off in 1914, “The chaos and devastation of the first World War which saw a mass loss of life on an unprecedented scale sent writers and …show more content…

Out of the gambit of sub trends happening throughout the modernism movement this paper will focus on alienation, challenging religion, and new social life, and how the razors edge captures these sub trends …show more content…

These parties which also resemble another author Fitzgerald who wrote The Great Gatsby which is a great example of modernism in American Literature which matches the parties in The Razor's Edge. These parties can be seen throughout the film from the opening all the way to the end when Sophie ends up relapsing on drugs and ends up killed (Byrum). During the latter half of the film Larry returns to Paris and meets with Isabel and Gary (Byrum). The tension is high as Isabel is struggling with still being in love with Larry, but she made a decision and now how to live with her decision (Byrum). These examples epitomize the literary trend modernism by showing “chaotic instability rooted in the revelation that collective social values are not particularly meaningful, leading to faithlessness, skepticism, and a confused sense of identity”