True Detective is a TV series which deals with many social problems in addition to the personal ones. The series is somehow based on the issue of morality both of the society and of the characters themselves. The relations between three characters of the series, Rust, Marty and Maggie, give the most concrete examples of this issue of morality. It can be said that there is a moral ambiguity in True Detective in relation to the things the characters have done. Thus, it is possible to examine this point from different perspectives like professional ethics and the morality of social institutions which includes relationships and marriage. For this purpose, I will examine the concept of morality mainly from Rust’s and Marty’s perspectives and I will …show more content…
He cheats on his wife two times and although Maggie realizes what he has done and forgives him for the first one, he repeats it. In addition, Marty keeps lying to his wife about this issue. Hence, how can we say that Marty obeys the Christian morality? He is absolutely regardless of the morality and forgets the duties of being a father and a husband. Despite being loved by his wife, he searches another excitements and he does not feel himself guilty about it. He also does not avoid lying to his wife about this issue. To some extent, Maggie tries to endure it, but when Marty keeps doing the same fault, Maggie searches for different ways to take revenge from Marty. She finally approaches to Rust even if she knows that Marty cannot bear it. At this point, it is questionable whether Maggie’s decision is right or not but when we think the moral aspect of it, it can be said that it is completely immoral. She just does the same thing that makes her angry when Marty does. What is more, she is doing this with her husband’s colleague and it lowers her position in a sense. This clearly shows that neither Marty nor Maggie can be successful in fulfilling the requirements of morality in their marriage and as Rust says, believing in religion does not prevent people from acting against moral