Examples Of Mperialism In Julius Caesar

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THE aim of this paper is merelyt,o touch lightlyu pon a few of them orei mportanpt roblemso f the imperialg overnmentan d administration, b eginningw ith Julius Caesar. For comparisonsb etween Roman and modern,p articularlyB ritish,i mperialismt,h ose who are interesteds hould consult the writingso n this subject of the scholarly statesmenB ryce and Cromer. The most illuminatingf act that has come to me in recenty ears is that the imperialo rganizationa nd administrationw ere inherited more fromt he Hellenistick ingdomst han fromt he Republic. Hellenistic conditions found in Sicily, Macedonia, the Seleucid realm, and Egypt were perpetuatedw ith little modificationa nd extended in a varyingd egreet o the remainingp arts of the Empire. In other