
Examples Of Myrtle's Death In The Great Gatsby

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The Great Gatsby is a 1925 novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, it is his the most famous book, it talks about the 1920s society in America. After the WWI, economic was booming. The economy was growing very fast, and it has experienced unprecedented prosperity. People only care about their money and wealth, they gradually lost themselves, they never think about the spiritual things anymore, and Gatsby’s death can illustrate the corrupt modern society back then. From The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald point out several ideas to prove that 1920s society was realism. Fitzgerald explained his satirical portrait through Gatsby’s death and Daisy’s Vanity.

To begin with, Jay Gatsby’s death can explain Fitzgerald’s satirical portrait …show more content…

He has been involved in many illegal activities with Wolfshiem in Chicago. And that's the how he becomes so rich, he lost himself during the road of his dream. The reason why he wants to become rich is he wants to get a higher social class to reach Daisy, so he can get Daisy, he did all these things are all for Daisy. For Daisy, he can give up everything, even his life. Daisy was the murderer of Myrtle, but Myrtle’s husband George Wilson think is Gatsby did. Gatsby volunteered for the responsibilities of Myrtle’s death. And later on, he got murdered by George Wilson, because he believes that Gatsby killed his wife Myrtle. Gatsby’s dream is destined to shattered, because Daisy has already been married to Tom. Daisy changed after five years, she becomes very realistic, it is impossible to go back to the past. Gatsby thinks that he can repeat the past, he thinks that Daisy will go back to him, and he got destroyed by the cruel of the society. Gatsby’s destruction of his dream has marks that millions of Americans’ dream shatter, and realism was one of the main themes of The Great Gatsby. The author F. Scott Fitzgerald has reflected the 1920s society was too realistic, in the cruel social reality, American Dream is impossible to

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