Examples Of Non-Utilitarian Delinquency

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Albert Cohen, argued that “working-class delinquents’ success comes not from achieving material wealth as Merton suggested but in gaining status” (1955). As middle-class youths fail to live up to the “middle-class measuring rod” these youths are left with the frustration of not obtaining the middle-class status. Meaning, that regardless of the wealth, family structure and status these young individual unit together in search of individual status with the group. Cohen, explains such behavior as non-utilitarian delinquency. “Middle-class measurement rod - term used to describe the middle-class expectations that exist in schools, which lower-class people cannot measure up to and therefore deviate, status and respect, dominant values of hard work and deferred gratification individual responsibility.” Albert Cohen, 1955 …show more content…

Although, there are many who attempt to live up to the “middle-class measuring rod’ by embracing the culture and social values of the middle-class. However, being “ill-equipped mentally, socially, and linguistically to achieve the rewards of the middle class’ (Rabow, 1966). This action is mainly caused by what Cohen refers to as “The college boy”, able to succeed, but unable to function at the caliber of his social group