Examples Of Orthomolecular Medicine

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The American Association of Integrative Medicine is the health care for the 21st century. This organization highly focuses on the patient’s health and well-being in which they promote the integrative of safe and effective medical treatments.
One example of an alternative medicine that is becoming increasingly popular is orthomolecular medicine. Orthomolecular medicine is known to correct the chemical imbalance by providing an optimal amount of substances (i.e. amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals) that are natural to the human body. The goal of orthomolecular medicine is to prevent and treat diseases in our body. For example, a patient who is diagnosed with hypotension is prescribed with medications by a doctor. However, if the patient were to follow the path of orthomolecular medicine, then he wouldn’t have to experience side effects from the prescribed medication. In this field of medicine, the doctor can run a test with the patient to determine what nutrients or chemicals the body lacks. Once the test is complete, the patient will be given natural substances to help repair the immune system and provide the body with better health. …show more content…

Dr. Susan Stuntzner, an Assistant Professor in the School of Rehabilitation Services and Counseling at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, and Dr. Angela MacDonald, a specialist and transition manager at the Disability Action Center, did a collaboration on forgiveness research. Their study focuses on how disability is associated with many negative connotations such as thoughts and feelings, along with how we can help and understand their issues. In other words, understanding forgiveness allows both the doctor and the patient with a disability to better develop a stronger relationship with one another. This study shows how the use of forgiveness intervention better improves disabled patients’ quality of