Personal Fitness Training Plan

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Planning Personal Fitness Essay

Name: Ian Wise
Lecturer: Gillian Boyle
Class: Planning Personal Fitness
Chosen sport: Football

Sport Description

The sport I have chosen is football, football can be played with usually 11 players per team but can be changed to 5 or 7 players. 5 and 7 a side games are usually played between friends or sometimes in training, 11 a side games are the most commonly viewed and played as professional teams play 11 a side. Football can be played almost anywhere from the streets to a park to an actual football pitch. Football is rather flexible in terms of what to wear, what size the ball is, how long the games lasts and even what gets used as goal posts but competitively it is always the same rules. The objective …show more content…

Muscular Endurance:
Muscular endurance training is where you continuously work the muscles using a lower weight and higher reps. Muscular endurance training helps prolong fatigue during activity this will help us in the later stages of the game when our legs may start to feel heavy or keep our muscles supplied with oxygen for longer so they don’t fatigue as quickly.

Fartlek Training:
Fartlek training is a form of cardiovascular training that requires you to run/cycle/row for a period of time at a high intensity then lower to a moderate intensity for a period of time then to a lower intensity again. Alternatively you can change the order of the intensity as there is no strict way to do Fartlek training. Fartlek training would benefit you because it replicates change of speed used in football, allows you to cope with lactic acid as well if training is consistent.

Interval …show more content…

This would benefit you as it increases our anaerobic capacity meaning we won’t fatigue as easily, this would mean you could work harder for longer and have a better impact on the game.

Muscular Strength Training:
Muscular strength training is where you use a heavier weight with less reps to put lots of stress onto our muscles in a short period of time. Strength training increases our strength so you can withstand our opponents challenging us for the ball, kick the ball harder and further and also jump higher. This will benefit you as you will be able to retain the ball, jump higher to header the ball and even get the ball to a teammate further away.

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