The Planned Parenthood activist group justify their stance on protecting reproductive rights for mothers and providing free sexual and reproductive health services by claiming that their organizations efforts lead to the fundamental ideals of the historic authors John Locke, Edmund Burke, Adam Smith, and John Stuart Mill; life, liberty, and property.
To begin, Planned Parenthood would argue that individuals who choose to take part in their services, do so to better their life. It may be utilizing their birth control services, getting an abortion, or acquiring simple reproductive health care, but the person receiving the resources ultimately decides what is best for their body and life. Throughout the organization's website and tabs of information
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He believed that as long as no harm is being done to another individual, each person should be allowed to do as they please. Advocates for planned parenthood would agree that government and society should have little say on their “opinions and feeling [that] tend... to impose [or] fetter the development [that] prevent the formation of any individuality”(Mill, p.9). An individual’s choices should be made solely on their values and thinking because overall their decisions affect their own life and not that of others. Even if the community tends to reject choices they do not agree with, which can cause characters to change their own system of beliefs, a person’s choice to use Planned Parenthood services sees it beneficial for their life without negatively affecting those around them. Because use of these services do not harm or disadvantage society in anyway, the organization could promote the idea that John Stuart Mill would have supported this act of individualism that allows an individual to control their life and …show more content…
Regarding the case of abortion again, there have been several instances where pro-life advocates have had their life threatened to due their beliefs and freedom of speech. One occurrence took place in North Carolina where a 23 year old women tried to run over pro-life supporters who stood outside an abortion clinic praying for those who entered (ciiiittee). Another instance involved a man getting arrested for advocating and praying near a Chicago clinic even though he did nothing that truly broke the law (Macedo) .Those against abortion or Planned Parenthood could argue that they have the liberty to speak and act as they please and government or society should not take away that liberty either. As Burke best puts it, “liberty causes individuals to do as the please and what will it please them to do [is up to their