
Examples Of Prejudice In The 12 Angry Men

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Prejudice and judgement often results in suppression of truth because it causes one to form opinions and beliefs based on incomplete information. In the story theres evident prejudice among the jurors, witnesses and even the justice system. When allowing preconceptions to cloud one’s judgement, considering alternative perspectives is difficult. This can lead to a limited view of the world that may prevent one from seeing the full picture and can result in suppression of truth. This is demonstrated through various elements in The 12 Angry Men. The majority of the jurors have evident prejudice against the boy - pertaining to race. They collectively and almost instinctively decide to dismiss the case, wanting to avoid the truth, and acting on their personal judgments instead of gaining a realistic impression from the case. This is displayed when juror 8 tries to question the case and the other jurors respond with impatient and neglectful attitudes, stating that a sports game is on that night which they favour greater than the life of a teen boy. …show more content…

It was later proven that both stories testified by the eyewitnesses were fake as they further questioned things. Juror nine proposed that the reasoning may be for the sake of being heard – tired of being overlooked and lonely as elderly people. This shows the disregard they have for the boy, putting a young life at risk for themself to be seen and heard for once. They judged and accused the boy before fulling understanding what happened that

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