
Examples Of Prejudice In The Blind Side

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The Blind Side is a heart-wrenching, family, film about American Football Player, Michael Oher; an underprivileged, African – American boy, who is taken in by a white, privileged, family. Through his experiences, Michael recognises the true meaning of family and what privilege taste like, however, he has also faced prejudice against himself but he is not only who experiences prejudice. Leigh – Anne Tuohy’s has suffered prejudice due to her privileges while her ‘friends’ comment on Michael being a ‘charity work’, and the privileged ten to forget about the prejudice thus showing that prejudice cannot exist without privilege.
Being privilege can create prejudice against someone. Earlier in the movie, Michael and Leigh – Anne decide to go back to Hurt Village, Michael’s hometown. During their visit, residents spot Leigh – Anne and start to comment on the women saying things …show more content…

Leigh – Anne can be seen in a rich, clean, restaurant dining with some of her friends who are equally just as privileged. They wore beautiful, clean outfits, skin is flawless and their jewellery sparkle with grand, as shown in close up shots. When the topic of Michael Oher is brought they laugh and joke about it, exclaiming remarks such as, “Is this another charity work of yours?” showing that they don’t see Michael as an actual child who needs the care like any other child but just a simple ‘charity work’ which shows that they believe that Leigh – Anne is using her privileges to help the poor. Another example can be shown when Michael is staying over at the Tuohy’s place for the very first time and Leigh – Anne comments, “You don’t think he’d steal anything right?” which represents prejudice as she believes that Michael being poor and homeless who is being surrounded by rich things will take them away to make money off it thus once again showing that those who are privileged tend to look down those who have nothing compared to

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