Examples Of Racism In America

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Racism in America 1619, slaves were brought over to America to help aid with crops. For over 200 years, African Americans have been discriminated against, the victims of ruthless hate crimes. Victims of mass shootings, hangings, police brutality, false imprisonment, and many more. The first instance that was brought to light is the confederate flag of the southern states. Flown by the KKK, and used as a symbol of hatred and racism. “Their symbols at the time included white hoods and white sheets, which may have been connected to such pranks. But the group’s antics quickly escalated into violence and murder.” (Shavin) Years of power hungry males have discriminated African American males. The confederate flag was a symbol of white power, and tyranny within that time period. Hate …show more content…

Mississippi’s declaration goes so far as to say that “a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization.” (Hanson) During the time period, African Americans were slaves for the white man. Picking crops, and doing whatever the master said. If they didnt they were punished severely. The confederate battle flag is seriously a problem in America. The amount of hate that was spewed in that time period was serious. Another topic, is Black Lives Matter, White Power, All Lives Matter, and kneeling during the anthem. Black lives matter came about when countless African Americans who were unarmed, and murdered by the police. The movement was progressed by Colin Kaepernick, but we’ll touch on that later. When BLM rose about, white citizens, came about with White Lives Matter. White citizens felt like they were being discriminated, but that wasn’t the point at all. BLM wasn’t trying to cause a race war, but trying to bring awareness to the issue. “The Black Lives Matter Global Network is a chapter-based,