Examples Of Racism In Netflix's Orange Is The New Black

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Lastly, not only Asians or Muslims get backlash from stereotype and media racism, Latinos do as well. From movies to debates, Latinos are painted as poor, criminals, maids, or trying to smuggle into United States’ borders. Either one, the media portrays one or the other. Netflix’s Orange Is the New Black is a prime example. In the prison, there are a group of Latinas in the prison. They are portrayed as poor criminals who create havoc and chaos with other syndicates and gangs. Family Guy is also an example which portrays a Latina woman to be a stereotypical maid who is uneducated and less superior than other characters on the show. And lastly, Latinas are portrayed as the hot sex pot wife, a.k.a. Modern Family. Latinos also get backlash from