
Examples Of Racism In Remember The Titans

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For centuries, racism has been the most prominent prejudice issue in the world; the overcoming of racism was one of the hardest times in this issue's history. Before that time, racism was shown in very blatant and clear forms, but after the integration of societies and schools, racism was still harsh but was mostly unseen. The film "Remember the Titans" begins with these conditions following the desegregation of an all-white school and an all-black school. Chaos breaks out when the tables turn and the white people start throwing loud and violent protests in Virginia at T.C. Williams High School. To get to the success that the Titans football team achieved, ignoring differences and focusing on turning weakness into strength, hostility into brotherhood, …show more content…

Unity is the act of joining to create a whole; This is the most important concept in this movie. To achieve everything that the Titans football team accomplished, all of the players had to unite. Whether they liked it or not, uniting and respecting each other was crucial in order to achieve success, especially since teamwork is necessary in football to coordinate and communicate with each other. Near the beginning of the film, Head Coach Boone says the same thing to his summer football camp on the field of Gettysburg: "I don't care if you like it or not, but you will respect each other, and maybe we'll learn to play this game like men." After this lecture, most of the athletes started making an attempt at cooperating, and their games gradually improved. Even when the team began to fall apart and play sloppily, a few team members took …show more content…

Many felt weakened and despised and weren't confident in themselves. But, at this time, someone had to step up for their community and their rights; someone that had the strength and leadership to help overcome racism was Coach Boone. Coach Herman Boone taught all of the athletes that on the field and in the real world, race differences don't matter; he also fully supported his opinion and stayed strong when African Americans received an extensive amount of hate and discouragement. Coach Boone showed his strength in many ways; one particular way that he stood his ground was when a group assumed white individuals threw a brick through his window. Originally, this would be a technique to terrify and hurt someone, but frankly, Coach Boone showed the exact opposite feelings. More specifically, Coach Boone said, "Violence will not intimidate." He also says, "You can tell whoever threw this brick through my window they can come visit me anytime." His statement showed that he had a lot of confidence in himself and didn't care about anyone's hateful actions. Another example of a strong individual would be Gerry Bertier, who is the captain of the Titans football team and has the strongest influence on the team. Gerry originally agreed with society's thinking, which is that whites are

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