Examples Of Racism Today

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Introduction Racism is one of the world’s main issues today. A majority of people in society today believe that racism does not exist and it is something that affects millions of people every day. A huge number of people are not aware of how much racism still exists in our schools, workforces, and anywhere else where social lives are taking place. It is clear that racism is ruthless as it was many decades ago, but it sure has not gone away. Racism very much exists and it is about time that people need to start thinking about the discouragement and providing solutions to this matter. Many people today live their lives unconscious to what is happening in the world around them, frequently trying to convince themselves that racism is not a problem …show more content…

Take for example at the “Whites only” notices that were all over South Africa during the days of apartheid, a lot of Afrikaans speaking people believed that they had no connection with or accountability to people of color (Blacks, Indians and Coloureds), they believed that they’re only accountable to other white people. The reality of the example above is whilst it is vitally important for white anti-racists to work with other people, this detour results in white people again controlling the direction and focus of anti-racism work. Schmid(1996) Believed that prejudice in a lot of people is based on the feature of human nature which may run so deep and be so universal, that to call it racist would be to weaken the moral weight of the world, and fail to identify what is truly distinct and morally most important about …show more content…

Thomas Schmid uses the example of the superior attitude evinced by many Christian missionaries, who believed that the Native Americans and the black people of Africa were natural slaves, and as a result had no doubts about treating them as less than equal or even about justifying the institution of slavery. And yet those “good Christians” might have not done this out of the desire to dominate but merely out of the belief that they were members of an inferior subgroup. This example suggest that it may not be the desire to dominate, but belief in one’s own racial superiority, which constitutes the essence of

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