
Examples Of Rebellion In 1984

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Rebellion is just one of the few concepts that is portrayed repeatedly throughout novels as it shows the true nature of a character through times of unfairness and despair. In the novel 1984, the main character Winston shows rebellion from his hatred of Big Brother to his secret love affair with Julia who was a member of the Party. In 1984, George Orwell illustrates the concept of rebellion, advocating that one can win back their true self from fighting for what they believe. Orwell conveys Winston’s diary to be a symbol of rebellion and how it was the first step in taking down the government and maintain his sense of humanity. In the story, Winston Smith is observed as committing thoughtcrime and also seen to how “His pen had slid voluptuously over the smooth paper, printing in large neat capitals DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER…”(Orwell 36). The diary that Winston writes in symbolizes his rebellion towards the Party as it shows him committing thoughtcrime. The diary also symbolizes how Winston feels about the Party and expresses that “So long as human beings stay human, death and life are the same thing.” This quote further expresses Winston’s hate towards the party by describing living as death. This is another reason …show more content…

In 1984, people are not allowed to have desire for who they love, thus making Winston and Julia’s relationship a crime. During the time of their relationship Winston shows his rebellious attitude and says ironically to Julia how “the more men you’ve had, the more I love you”(Orwell 158). This quote shows how Winston is rebelling against the Party as desire is considered a crime. While they were in their relationship another idea was revealed about Julia and other members of the inner party. It was revealed that other people of the inner party were also rebelling and part of the

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