
Examples Of Situational Irony In Invitation To A Murder

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The plot foundation for “Invitation to a Murder” written by Josh Pachter was based on situational irony. Throughout the short story, there were many examples that portrayed situational irony. The first instance occurred at the beginning of the story, when the author described what Mrs. Abbott was wearing. He described her outfit as being black and solemn-looking, something that would be worn to a funeral. This was due to the fact that she knew her husband, Mr. Abbott, would die that night; she wanted to be prepared to mourn his death. However, little did she know that she would pass away as well that night. The irony was that she had been dressed for her own funeral. One by one, the detectives began to arrive at the Abbott household in New York City, New York, the setting of the story. Upon entering the large and plain room, the men saw a table in the very center. On it, they saw a kitchen knife, a skinny wire, a long iron pipe, a revolver, and an amber bottle with skull and crossbones on the front. The investigators assumed that the skull and crossbones on the flask meant that its contents were poisonous; on the contrary, it was medicine that Mr. Abbott’s life depended on. The warning label on the outside …show more content…

Abbott explained as to why she wished to have her husband murdered. She told the detectives of how she fell in love with Mr. Abbott, continuing onwards to the accident that left him paralyzed. The loving couple had been skiing at a ski resort in the mountains when Mr. Abbott had a desire to challenge himself by going down the more advanced route. Against his wife’s warning to not take the risk, Mr. Abbott traveled down the slope. He had been traveling skillfully when, suddenly, he slipped and cascaded down the rest of the course. The calamity left Mr. Abbott unable to see or hear, as well as being paralyzed. It was quite ironic, how what Mr. Abbot presumed would be fun and adventurous actually killed

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