Examples Of Social Inequality In To Kill A Mockingbird

680 Words3 Pages

Robert Wadley
Madame Latall
Honors English I, 3rd Hour
31 January 2017
Social Inequality
In To Kill a Mockingbird, the theme of Social Inequality plays an important and universal role. It feeds the plot and provokes thoughtful insight into the way people see other people. Social Inequality in To Kill a Mockingbird transpires between whites and blacks; although, division occurs between white people over who supports Tom Robinson.
Social Inequality is the way social classes are divided by certain characteristics, such as race or gender, in a manner that limits access to goods and services. Social Inequality becomes a natural part of humanity. People naturally want to be on top of the hierarchy, and those with lesser opportunity are easiest to put down. These people might be considered as “less” in relation to one’s self. Social Inequality won’t go away on its own. There are many disadvantages to Social Inequality, such …show more content…

What characters in the novel are taught to forget is that black people are still people. They have just as much opportunity and skill as other people. Characters such as Bob see the black people as vermin. He calls it a “nest down yonder, they’re dangerous to live around ‘sides devaluin’ my property.” Bob Ewell, ironically, lives in a trash dump. The court, however, is the one place where everybody is actually equal. In a court, the better evidence should win every time. Social Injustice has no place there. A black man’s opinion should not be any less trustworthy than a white man. They both have the same amount of opportunity to lie or tell the