
Examples Of Stereotypes In The Outsiders

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Plenty of people are being stereotyped everyday and never for a good cause. In Hintons realistic fictional story, The Outsiders it talks about two kids being stereotyped because they’re greasers (a gang who usually commit crimes and have grease all over their hair) that get treated horribly because of their stereotype. Then the two kids soon run away and break their stereotype by saving kids who got caught in a fire. In Harts story, “The Friday Everything Changed” it features a short story about female students who desire to do classroom jobs but are stereotyped as weak because they are not male. Comparing both stories Hinton's novel shows more in depth stereotypes rather than Hart's story. Hart's story focuses more on gender discrimination …show more content…

In the story it shows the teacher only assigning the male students classroom jobs instead of the female students. For example in “The Friday Everything Changed” a realistic fictional story, Hart states, “Alma Niles, put up her hand and said, ‘Why can't girls go for water too?’” (Hart 2) This quote reveals Alma Niles asking why female students do not have classroom jobs like the male students. Instead of Hart's short story presenting stereotypes, most of the text presents more gender inequality rather than stereotypes since the males and females aren't being treated the same therefore the female students aren't getting classroom jobs. Another example in “The Friday Everything Changed” Hart states, “I know for a fact that girls there get to play on softball teams just like the boys. On teams? Just like the boys?” (Hart 5). The evidence here shows how Alma is really surprised by the fact that the female students can be treated equally and can play on the same team as the male students. This proves my thesis statement because this quote presents more gender inequality while The Outsiders shows many ways of stereotypes challenged in a lot of different …show more content…

Hintons story, The Outsiders, shows that even though the greasers don't portray the bad image that everyone thinks, not everyone believes them and proceeds to treat them horribly. Hart's short story “The Friday Everything Changed” focuses more on gender segregation because of the female students not being treated equally as the male students by not getting classroom jobs like them. Others may think the gender segregation in “The Friday Everything Changed” is an example of stereotypes but although it might seem like that The Outsiders still show more direct examples of stereotypes because of their gang like reputation. Therefore making superficial judgements can lead to affecting people negatively that can also cause them to soon even sticking with their own stereotype since they are unable to do anything about

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