
Examples Of Stereotypes In To Kill A Mockingbird

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To KIll a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. This is a book about segregation in the 1930s and how blacks got treated as well as how whites got treated for trying to help them. I feel this is a book that show many examples of stereotypes. Three stereotypes in the book are Age, Gender, and especially Racial stereotypes. Without these three stereotypes the book would not be nearly as good if it could have been made without the stereotypes. Age stereotypes show up in this book mainly when Atticus and Scout are involved. This happens to these two characters mainly because Atticus is too old and Scout is too young. When Jem wants to play football with Atticus he will play keep away for hours but if Jem wanted to play tackle football Atticus would say “I’m too old for that, son.” (Lee 118) With this quote we learn that Atticus is still energetic but can get hurt to easy. I feel that this is …show more content…

Gender stereotypes show up a lot in this book when scout is involved. This is because she is a tomboy and enjoys doing the things Jem and Dill would do. Aunt Alexandra moved in with the Finches to teach scout to be a lady, and that is why Aunt Alexandra says this at the missionary circle meeting “‘Stay with us, Jean Louise,’” (Lee 307) scout then thinks this as a reply “This was a part of her campaign to teach me to be a lady.” (Lee 307) Finally I would like to talk about the Racial stereotyping in this book. In my opinion if there was no Racial stereotyping there would be no book. I feel this because in the trial Tom got treated different than Bob and Mayella Ewell and as Jem says “‘Well, Dill after all he’s just a Negro.’” Hear we learn that not even the people that are nicest to black will think they are equal to whites. This exact line also says why Tom was said to be guilty and that is because a white man can not take a black man's side when there is another white man

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