Examples Of Substance Abuse In The Simpsons

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The Simpsons is an animated comedy that focuses on a family in Springfield created by Matt Groening. The show first started streaming in 1987 as a cartoon. The family is considered dysfunctional with many issues. Episodes display real-world situations. The show is known to be the longest-running animated television series in the United States. The Simpson's Christmas debut was released on December 17th, 1989. Later, movies were developed based on The Simpsons such as “The Simpsons Movie” which was released in 2007. Not until January 1990 did the show start airing regularly and gain millions of views. The Simpsons is not appropriate for certain ages because the show demonstrates sexual content, substance abuse, and violence.
To begin, the Simpsons at times demonstrate sexual content in the show. Some episodes of The Simpsons explicitly exhibit sexual content. Several jokes are made about sex and sexuality. Many jokes made within the show won't be understood by children, but are still inappropriate to be heard by young ears. Reviews by many parents over the Simpsons …show more content…

Watching tv shows that demonstrate substance abuse encourages young children to try the substances and provides a positive outlook on substance abuse. Seeing other people and characters enjoy abusing and trying substances can and will encourage young adults and even young children to do the same. According to Peacocke “The people I call ‘screenagers,’” Rushkoff explains, “... speak the media language better than their parents do and see through clumsy attempts to program them into submission.”(1) Seeing the character portray such a positive effect from abusing drugs and smoking brings encouragement for others to do it as well. In season 11 episode 18 of the Simpsons alcohol abuse is demonstrated. The Simpsons show a positive feeling from the abuse which encourages others to do the