Examples Of Supernatural Power In Macbeth

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After the initial combat, Macbeth juxtaposes the ominous weather and military success, ‘So fair and foul a day I have not seen’, eliciting an image of an absurd, inverted world that conveys supernatural power as a tumultuous, profound force that alters and pollute the natural state of the world and will influence individuals.

Following Macbeth’s enchanted reaction to the witches, Banquo cynically expresses the nature of the witches using the metaphor, ‘The instruments of darkness tell us truths, win us with honest trifles, to betrays’s in deepest consequences’, convoluting Banquo’s fear of manipulation due to the witches prophecy which communicates the apprehensive fear attached to supernatural power.

Following Macbeth’s contradicting exclaim, Macbeth uses visceral imagery in, ‘Whose horrid image doth unfix my hair / And make my seated heart knock at my ribs’, fosters an image of fear and doubt, presented within Macbeth, engraved by the previous words of the witches intensifying the corrupting and profound force of supernatural power with its overpowering drive to influence susceptible individuals.

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