
Examples Of Superpowers In The Great Gatsby

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Have you ever thought of getting superpowers? What if you relentlessly pursue your desire for superpowers? In the novel, “The Great Gatsby”, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the character, Jay Gatsby, tries to make his desire come true, however, he does not realize that it is harming him and that it is impossible to achieve. Gatsby’s goal is to marry Daisy Buchanan, a married woman and his first love, and to relive the moments of his past with her. However, an impossible dream causes Gatsby’s downfall as it makes him unhappy, self-destructive, and immoral which shows that chasing for unrealistic choices causes tragedies and disappointments. Firstly, Gatsby's pursuit of an impossible dream results in his unhappiness. By chasing a desire without realizing that it is unattainable, Gatsby experiences frustration and stress, which lead to his discontent. In the end, the …show more content…

This is shown when Gatsby receives a call during his first reunion with Daisy after a long time apart: "‘Yes… Well, I can’t talk now… I can’t talk now, old sport… I said a small town… He must know that a small town is… Well, he’s no use to us if Detroit is his idea of small town…’ He hangs up" (60). The quote shows how Gatsby really wants to be with Daisy again. He'll do anything to make it happen, even if it means to sacrifice his own stuff or his health. He talks rudely to someone on the phone because he wants to keep up the image of being rich and successful. He ignores his own safety and belongings, which makes him mentally and physically. In the end, his obsession for his dream causes him to fail it. Gatsby's actions illustrate that the pursuit of an impossible dream can lead to self-destructive behavior and disappointment. Additionally, Gatsby engages in questionable and unethical behavior in order to achieve his

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