
Examples Of Superstition In The Lottery By Shirley Jackson

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The Lottery “Superstition is a convention, not a religion.” Religion doesn’t tell people, to believe in superstitions, religion means the notion or to homage him ( God). Unlike this quote in the short story “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson, highlights the superstitious beliefs of the villagers. The day when the Lottery was held, the people would congregate in the square, and they had to participate in the lottery. Whoever got the paper, which had black dot would win. In this short story, the first round winner was Bill Hutchison. In the second round, the winner was Tessie Hutchinson, his wife. Tessie Hutchinson constantly said, “ It isn’t fair because Bill didn’t have enough time.” The villagers then stoned the person to death who got the slip of paper with the black dot. The villagers conducted the yearly lottery because they were highly superstitious. …show more content…

Old Man Warner was the benchmark of tradition, as the oldest man, Old Man Warner keeps upon himself to have traditions alive until he dies. Old Man Warner says “It's not the way it used to be [...] People ain't the way they used to be" (69). This Implies Old Man Warner like to reminisce about his good days. Whether “People ain’t the way they used to be” could be true or could be wrong. Furthermore, Old Man Warner explain The Lottery, “The Lottery can’t end, also don’t provoke others, This shows Old Man Warner bludgeon it, but Villager blindly listens, and call it

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