Examples Of Technology In Fahrenheit 451

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Unlike the expected result from withholding massive amounts of knowledge from the public, which would be lack of important advancements, it is rather blatantly obvious that the technology is more advanced than the technology in the current reality. The most prominent example of this advanced technology can be found when the author describes the Hound. Montag states on multiple occasions that the Mechanical Hound “...doesn’t seem to like [him]” ( 27), and later states refers to the Hound as “the dead beast, the living beast”. While it is certainly possible that this is simply personification of the Hound, the text might rather be implying that the Hound has a mind of its own. If true, this would make their technology infinitely superior to the current technology. Having AI that has a mind of its own, that …show more content…

One such item is the seashell radio, which Mildred is seen using to drown out the noise of her talking husband, Montag. The seashell radio very clearly resembles earbuds, a device much like the seashell radio that transmits audio directly to the user. Earlier in the novel, it mentions that Montag “walked out of the fire station and along the midnight street toward the subway where the silent air-propelled train slid soundlessly…”. This is shockingly similar to the Atmospheric railway, which was intended to make reduced noise when driving along the track. Yet another example of this is the green ear piece given to Montag by Faber in order to communicate with him from far distances. It is easily comparable to both a cellphone, or an earpiece that plays music by the user's’ choice. Despite the large amount of similarities, there is a major difference between their reality and the current reality; their atomic weapons. When the end of the book is near, Ray Bradbury wrote that the atomic bomb resulted in the “crumbling of the

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