
Examples Of Tension In Fahrenheit 451

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The quote above states the occurrence surround Montag as he is trying to dial the emergency number frantically to help Mildred, who had just overdosed on her medication. The intensity of description, along with repetitive words to stress the situations extremity. This is the first glimpse the reader gets of Mildred, bringing her character to life in a way. Montag’s character comes out showing his quick thought process in pressured situations. The descriptive view the jets flying over Montag’s home in search for leading tension to war brings intensity and details to the world they live in where firefighters start fires instead of putting them out. Censorship can lead to certain inspirations of forgetfulness, or preoccupation if it did not occur within this universe of books, where Mildred’s preoccupations distracted her into forgetting if she took her two pills or not. …show more content…

Along with where the universe ends up with the jet bombers screaming for war. The repetitive, over and over voice inside Montag’s head as this situation plays out descriptively brings attention to the passage. Also shown in this passage is the first sight of Mildred, giving more meaning to it as it jumps off the page with powerful words. The loud jets above the house as Montag quickly tries to dial the emergency contact, adds to the ominous feeling lingering in the book, along with the several other shrieking sounds and pain brought to Montag. The words “Montag was cut in half.”, leaves you wondering, what exactly was meant by it, encouraging you to want to continue to read the insane blend of words, combining with the dangerous

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