Examples Of Transgressing The Status Quo In Macbeth

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Shakespeare writes ‘Macbeth’ to denounce transgressing the status quo and the Divine Right Of Kings within the Jacobean era. He presents Macbeth as a violent character who goes onto destabilizing the status quo. At the start of the play, the witches start off with a paradoxical chant, “fair is foul, and foul is fair”. In other words, Shakespeare shows how good is bad, and bad is good. Furthermore, the witches are foreshadowing the malleability of the characters and how they are transgressing the status quo, and, by proxy, God. Perhaps Shakespeare uses this chant at the start of the play so the audience expects ‘brave’ and ‘loyal’ Macbeth to be corrupted by the ‘foul’ supernatural forces. This could also represent the chaos and unpredictability

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