Examples Of Treachery In The Great Gatsby

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What is your background like? Did you grow up wealthy? Poor? In-between? Did you live in the suburbs or an apartment? Have you ever lied? Everyone in their lifetime has told at least one lie small or large. Human beings are inherently dishonest despite different backgrounds. Fitzgerald, is able to convey this theme of deceit and treachery through the characters of his book, The Great Gatsby. The first instance of the theme was when the Nick and Tom went to New York City. Tom blatantly shows Nick his mistress within the first few chapters of the book despite knowing that Nick is Daisy's cousin. This could be seen in chapter two,“We’re getting off… I want you to meet my girl" (24). Not only does this show Tom being deceitful behind Daisy, but also Myrtle being deceitful to her husband as well. Both of these characters are married and are going behind their spouses’ backs. This further sets up for future scenes within the story. Later in the book, Gatsby lies about his past. To avoid controversy, Gatsby fibs about very defining details such as where he went to school and how he made his money. Part of his lie could be seen in chapter four, “I was brought up in America but educated in Oxford" (65). Gatsby did not want people to know his …show more content…

Fitzgerald uses his characters to perfectly convey the theme of secrecy and treachery. What makes this theme so important is that it creates the plot of The Great Gatsby. It’s what makes the story so exciting and heartbreaking. Without Daisy telling the truth that she drove the car that killed Myrtle, Gatsby would not be dead. If Tom had not cheated on Daisy with Myrtle, George would have never hit her, or found out about the affair. Without Gatsby lying about his background, Daisy wouldn’t have seen him in the same light. This theme was what made the story, The Great