
Examples Of Unconditional Love In The Great Gatsby

496 Words2 Pages

Anna Friedrichs
Mrs. Glick
English 10
08 June 2023
The Great Gatsby
What is the limit of unconditional love? How much would you go through for love? In the Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Gatsby and his unconditional love for Daisy is shown in all of his actions throughout the book. How much will he go through to get Daisy back? The ideas that Gatsby has of Daisy from the past are what he still thinks of her as, where she has already moved onto another man. Gatsby did everything he could to protect Daisy, longing for the love that they once had and hoping that if he tried hard enough she would come back.
One of the ways that Gatsby showed his love for Daisy was by protecting her. Daisy got herself into trouble throughout the book without any consequence. In the book it says, “‘Was Daisy driving?’ ‘Yes,’ he said after a moment, ‘but of course i'll say I was.’” (Fitzgerald 143). This conversation with Gatsby and Nick took place after the …show more content…

He wanted to sabotage Tom Buchanan and Daisy Buchanan's relationship, but to him he wasn't sabotaging anything because he had the idea in his head that Daisy never loved Tom and only loved him so to Gatsby he was doing her a favor, saving her. Daisy felt controlled by both the men in her life, she says “I hope she’ll be a fool- that’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool” (Fitzgerald 17). While both Gatsby and Tom mistreated Daisy whether it be an affair or an unhealthy obsession, she felt suffocated with the decision of which man to choose. Tom knew Daisy wouldn’t leave him and in one scene Gatsby and Daisy leave together and Tom lets her go because he knows she will come back, whereas Gatsby needs her by his side always. Gatsby's obsession with the past that he once had with Daisy made Daisy's love for him grow smaller as she found out the extent he went to to become rich and successful for

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