
Examples Of Undine Attacks The American Greed And Hypocrisy

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Through the caricature of Undine Spragg, Edith Wharton attacks the American greed and hypocrisy. Undine undoubtedly is greedy and uses any means to attain her goal which is unanimously agreed in general. Though she is confident of her powers she has to encounter certain things that neither beauty, nor influence nor could money ever buy for her. The quick and smooth divorce that Moffatt gets her is a sharp attack on the judicial system. The height of sarcasm is understood at this juncture, where soon after a few minutes of divorce, they are married in the presence of the judge who issued her divorce. The blatant flaw in Undine is that she is empty inside. She does not have any inner resources which can lead her attain satisfaction. All that
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