
Examples Of Utilitarianism

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Thinh Tran Sociology 101 Writing Assignment: Social Theories In this assignment, I want to discuss the utilitarianism, because I had work this theory in a small group in class. Also, I think utilitarianism is a common theory that I always see in my life. This theory gives an idea about how people make their decisions. Every day, when I drive to school, I think about the time that I should go. If I start to drive at 6:50 am, I will be in school before my first class starts. If I drive after 7:00 am, I will be late. Also, I want to show up early in school, so I think which way I should go to avoid the traffic jam. There are some examples in my life that I have to think and make a decision every day. People do this all …show more content…

It is about judgments of what is good or bad and desirable or undesirable. There is so many examples value that can apply into utilitarianism. I will reuse an example above to explain more about my theoretical perspective. I live in Kent and I study at Seattle Central College. If there is no traffic jam, it will take only 20 to 25 minutes from my home to school. But, I have class at 8:00 am from Monday to Friday. and there is always traffic jam in the morning. So, I have to wake up at 6:00 am and prepare everything. Then start a drive at 6:50 am, and I will arrive at 7:40 am to 7:50 am. I do not want to be late, so I have to wake up early, and get ready before 6:50 am. If I wake up late and drive to school after 6:50, I can not be in class at the right time. Moreover, if I late to my class, it's bad and undesirable. I will miss the attendance and the lecture. Also, there are some risks can happy during the way driving to school, The stress is blocked because of accidents. So, if I want the value of good and what I desirable, I have to wake up early to avoid disadvantage and undesirable. Overall, there is a connection between value and utilitarianism. If people get advantage from their interaction, they have a desirable result. If people get disadvantage from their behavior, they get an undesirable …show more content…

He is standing and closing his eyes because he thinks about the division that brings benefits, value, disadvantages, good, bad, right, wrong, undesirable or desirable. There are many small clouds around this boy. Each cloud represents a behavior or reaction. Above him is a scale of action and result that presents for his brain. I will discuss each of them from the left side. First, if he eats fast food such as hamburgers or french fried, he will be fat or overweight and can damage to his health. Second, if he plays video and does not study, he will get a bad grade. Third, if he drives greater than 80 mph, the police will stop him. There are three examples that bring bad, undesirable, and disadvantage to him. The next visual is about he have to make the decision he should go because the shortest way has traffic jam; the left way next to the shortest is narrow; the last one has construction. So, he has to choose the way that has dos advantage and benefit to him. Now, I will describe the right side of this boy. On the top, this image presents if he studies hard, he will get a good grade in the exam. Next is if he sleeps early, then he can wake up early in the morning. Third, if he does some exercise, he can lose weight and be more healthy. The last one is about the available choice of the seat on the airplane because each seat has a different price. The highest

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