Examples Of Whiskey Rebellion In The United States

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1. Whiskey Rebellion: In western Pennsylvania, whiskey was very popular. In 1791, the federal government passed a tax on whiskey. The farmers refused to pay the tax, saying it was like the Stamp Act all over again. In 1794, people began to rebel/rioting and assaulting the tax collectors. President George Washington led an army to shut it down. Many people were arrested, but were later pardoned/not guilty. This was the first test of federal authority in the US. It enforced the idea that the government had a right to pass/enforce laws on all states. 2. George Washington's Farewell Address: A document that was originally stated orally which warned Americans not to get involved in European affairs, permanent alliances, political parties, and to …show more content…

Aaron Burr: Was the 3rd president of the US, under Jefferson. Hamilton defamed him in the press. He challenged Hamilton to a duel in 1804 and killed Hamilton. He plotted secession of New England and New York and was charged for treason. 9. XYZ Affair: A treaty between Britain and the US failed to guarantee France the right to ship with the US. France sent 3 diplomats named X, Y, and Z, with outrageous demands. The result was undeclared war between the two countries. The Navy/Marine Corps were established afterwards. 10. Alien and Sedition Acts: 4 parts: (1) Raised the residence requirement for American citizenship from 5-14 years. (2) Alien Act: Gave the president the power in peacetime to order any alien out of the country. (3): Alien Enemies Act: Permitted the president in wartime to jail aliens when he wanted to. (4) The Sedition Act: Provided fines and jail penalties for anyone guilty of sedition. 11. Federalists: Believed that representative governments could be easily undermined. They believed that rich and people with high status should control the govt. They wanted to expand authority over the states. After the defeat of John Adams in 1800, they never held presidency again & their presence began to …show more content…

Barbary Coast Pirates: Several renegade countries on the Mediterranean coast of North Africa who demanded tribute in exchange for refraining from attacking ships in the Mediterranean. From 1795-1801, US paid the Barbary States for protection against the pirates. Jefferson stopped paying the tribute, and the US fought the Barbary Wars against the countries of Tripoli and Algeria. The war was inconclusive and the US began paying again. 19. Judiciary Act of 1801: Law that Congress passed to increase the number of federal courts & judicial positions. President John Adams rushed to fill these positions with Federalists before his term ended. 20. Lewis and Clark Expedition: Lasted from 1804-1806. They traveled up the Missouri River, through the Rockies, and to the mouth of the Columbia River. This exploration bolstered America’s claim to western lands as well as opening the west to Indian trade and further exploration. 21. Impressment of sailors: British ships were seizing and forcing American sailors to join their military in the War of 1812. 22. War Hawks: Western settlers who advocated war with Britain because they hoped to gain Britain’s northwest posts and because they felt the British were aiding the Indians and encouraging them to attack the Americans on the frontier. In congress, the War Hawks were Henry Clay and John C. Calbourn. 23. Doves: Doves were people who opposed a war. (Opposite of war