Examples Of Winning In Beowulf

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Which counts more, taking a stand or winning? Or have you ever read the story Beowulf? In my opinion, winning is more important in society nowadays. Winning makes everyone happy, and makes most people humble. Even though winning can lead to very bad things, everyone counts more to winning. In the story Beowulf, there are so many examples on why winning is more common. The story Beowulf, the character Beowulf is about winning, achievement, and death.
One of the examples that Beowulf is all about winning was when he stated “I swam in the blackness of night, haunting monsters out of the ocean, and killing them one by one; death was my errand and the fate they had earned”(Burton Raffel) This is one piece of evidence that shows winning because, “killing them off one by one”(Burton Raffel) is proving that winning the war. “Death was my errand”(Burton Raffel) errand means collecting something, especially someone's behalf. Beowulf's errand is killing people and always having that win. …show more content…

In the story Beowulf, it states that “ The battle was over, Beowulf had been granted new glory: Grendel Escaped, but wounded as he was free to his den”. (Burton Raffel) This example shows that Beowulf wanted the glory win, so he killed Grendel to get the win. The story states “ He was so happy”(Burton Raffel). The reason why Beowulf is so happy is because he killed Grendel and got the glory win. To further the reasoning that Beowulf's life is all about winning is that after he killed Grendel, he goes to try to kill Grendel's mother. Beowulf wanted power, that's why he always loved to win. If he could kill Grendel's mother, he could have power over

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