Excerpts From The Federalist No. 1 By Alexander Hamilton

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This reflection paper involves my insights by responding to questions on Excerpts from the Federalist No.1, written on October 27, 1787. which is one of many essays by Alexander Hamilton. Hamilton tried desperately to defend the constitution for the good of the people even though he had certain doubts and wanted to ratify it. The questions I will be answering are related to what he has written and what my opinions are. I will answer to the best of my knowledge and my thoughts. Alexander Hamilton asks the reader to consider if societies of people can establish good government through reflection and choice. What do you think? In Hamilton’s essay Federalist No. 1. He wrote, “whether societies of men are really capable or not, of establishing good government from reflection and choice.” On a YouTube video the narrator speaks on this statement from Hamilton, “reflection needs educated minds and ethics to make the right decision also people and politics have a choice for themselves”. (Political factions, 2015). What do I think about this question? I feel that …show more content…

He explains that the meaning of these words is important for security and liberty needing to stay in proper balance. Too many people wanted more freedom without the security”. (Political fraction, 2015). Hamilton was trying to let people know that it is a very important balance needed for the government and for the people to work and live efficiently by having security and liberty. How does a government maintain its vigor? A website I researched states what Hamilton wanted, “responsibility and vigilance, two virtues necessary to sustain at the time for a republican government”. (Mackubin, 2006). I do agree for the government to maintain its vigor they need to have a balance system of security and liberty. The people and the government must work