Exercise Handout Log

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1) First three weeks, I exercise at least 3 hours a week. For cardiovascular exercise, I will walk for 10 minutes and lightly jog for 20 minutes in each 30 minute session. For muscle training, I will use weights from1 to 5 pounds and do 5 sets of 10 repetitions.
2) From week 4 to 6, I exercise at least 3.5 hours a week. For cardiovascular exercise, I will lightly jog for 10 minutes and moderately jog for 20 minutes in each 30 minute session. For muscle training, I will use weights from 5 to 10 pounds and do 5 sets of 15 repetitions.
3) From week 7 to 9, I exercise at least 4 hours a week. For cardiovascular exercise, I will moderately jog for 20 minutes and vigorously jog for 10 minutes in each 30 minute session. For muscle training, I will use weights from 10 to1 5 pounds and do 5 sets of 20 repetitions.
Goals achieved so far and rewards …show more content…

About an hour and a half of the exercise each week is taken up by cardiovascular activities like running and swimming with friends and another hour and a half is taken up by muscular exercises from my lion dance practices and my visits to the recreation center. For accomplishing my first step goal, I made flan for myself and shared among my friends too. Although, the reward of delayed for a couple of days because I had no eggs, I eventually got to treating myself. My first week of doing, 3.5 hours a week was more difficult since I usually barely get 3 hours a week. Now, I find myself rushing to squeeze in time at the end of the week to meet the

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