Existentialism And Creationism: The Meaning Of Life

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Introduction Since the dawn of man, the meaning of life has long been discussed and argued. Yet, there is still no a concrete conclusion about the real meaning of life. A British philosopher, Julian Baggini, searched for the meaning of life in the approach of the origin of it. He points out two different positions about the origin of life [1]and gives rise to three different attitudes accordingly. I do not comprehensively agree with any of the three attitudes. Instead, I suggest a new form of attitude—a combination of existentialism and creationism. The two origins of life 1.Naturalism Naturalism proposes that life begins with a stream of purposeless force—the big bang[1]. The big bang is treated by scientists as the beginning of space and time. Planets, lives are the natural results of big bang. According to Charles Darwin, the advocate of evolution, evolution processes, including the beginning of the universe, occurred accidentally, meaning that everything we see and we have today is an enormous accident. All the naturally occurring incidents are merely the results of accidents, with nearly no special meaning. Naturalists as a result further interpret that lives of human beings serve the same purpose as their origins—human beings are to no avail. The idea of naturalism can be illustrated by one simple example. Imagine you accidentally pour a bottle of water on the floor in the street. The left water has undoubtedly no special meaning to be on the floor since you have no