Existentialist Problems And Themes In Shakespeare's Hamlet

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Shakespeare II

Existentialist Problems and Themes in Hamlet
Existentialism is a term used for the work of specific 19th and 20th century philosophers who believed that the human subject is in the center of thinking. The human, according to these philosophers, is not a subject only capable of thinking, but also acting, feeling and living as a individual. The existentialist attitude, as the starting point is named in existentialism, is a micro cosmos which is absurd and seems to have no meaning. The lack of meaning in life and the absurdity creates a complicated pattern that is cannot be considered as usual. This means in other words that existentialism transforms your behaviors. According to the existentialists, the most significant thing for individuals is to be a individual, not dependent on the social roles, titles and definitions. Existentialist creates their own moral values independent from the society, and search a reason for their isolated life. The problems of the existentialist are their concern with the unsolved problem of meaning. They are curious to find a meaning and they seek the sense and meaning of the universe. When they realize that the macro cosmos around them does not give a hint, they start to feel isolated and deserted. According to Sartre, in his work Existentialism is a Humanism, people are entitled as they act and as so far as they are responsible for what they do. He claims that "... man first of