Experienced And Innocent In Donald Junkin's Poems

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Danny Chen English Composition 102 Professor McDuffie 1/30/23 The Roles of the Experienced and Innocent in Donald Junkins Poems In Donald Junkin’s works such as “Childhood and the Glass Crystal '' and “Playing Glassies With Dickie Mallar, 1943” the role of the innocence and experienced were portrayed to the audience. In both poems, Junkin’s took the role of the innocent and Dickie Mallar took the role of the experienced. In both poems, it showed that Dickie Mallar as the role of the experienced was more superior than Junkin’s. This essay will focus on the roles of the experienced and innocence in the poems of Donald Junkin’s. An example of the experienced being shown in Junkin’s poem is towards the end of “Playing Glassies with Dickie Mallar, 1943” Junkins and Dickie Mallar were competing with each other to see who can win the others marbles. In the end, Junkins comes out on top, but his victory was short lived, “When it was over, his risky debonair ways puzzled me. ‘What’s a glassy?’ he said, and walked home in the dark.” This victory didn’t even phase Mallar, but it affected Junkins, he states “I felt cheated.” which means that although Junkins was the winner, he still felt like he lost. The reason Junkins felt cheated was because, Junkins was more …show more content…

In the poem it says, “At the end of Sterling he was in the middle, cock-sure, putting an arm around, saying something in her ear: Evelyn pulled away not tonight.” This part of the poem shows Mallar interrupting Mallar and his date, Evelyn and gets friendly with her. The line “not tonight” indicates that Evelyn and Mallar had some sort of history together and that they will go out with each other more in the future. Here, the role of the innocent resides with Junkins because this was his first date while Mallar in the role of the experienced, already has history with girls and