Experiment 11.1: Examining A Blood Smear

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Experiment 11.1: Examining a Blood Smear Introduction: In this section, we discussed the types of blood cells and their appearance when stained and observed under a microscope. You will now examine a blood smear and try to identify the cells. Summary: In recent years, scientists have invented technology to synthesize many parts of the human body including cochlear implants, contacts, and prosthetics. Although humans have discovered these useful tools, only God can create a fully functional body and only He can create blood. Blood is a connective tissue with many functions. First, blood is a transport medium that allows substances like oxygen, nutrients, hormones, carbon dioxide, and waste products to flow throughout the body. Second, it is a regulatory tissue that monitors the blood’s delicate pH and temperature. The pH of blood is extremely vital to life. Although its range is only from 7.35 – 7.45, it is the only range through which chemical reactions in the body can occur. Third, blood is a protective tissue which prevents blood loss through a process called hemostasis which is, “the process by which the body stops blood loss.” Blood has several interesting properties including volume, viscosity, and density. Surprisingly, although blood is man’s life source, an adult’s body only contains …show more content…

Generally Granulocytes can be stained while Agranulocytes cannot. There are three types of granulocytes: neutrophils, basophils, and eosinophil. Neutrophils perform small-scale phagocytosis, which means that they “eat” foreign substances and dead cells. Basophils are involved with allergic reactions and secrete two substances: histamine and heparin. Finally, Eosinophil destroy parasitic infections and combat inflammations. On the other hand, Agranulocytes consist of lymphocytes, which create antibodies, and monocytes, which also perform phagocytosis, but on a much larger