Explain How Might We Use An Evolutionary Perspective To Our Advantage To Make People Happier When Designing Cities

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For this activity the mission was to answer the following questions of; How might we use an evolutionary perspective to our advantage to make people happier when designing cities? Consider the potential biological reasons you enjoy certain cities or neighborhoods more than others. Does your neighborhood make you happy, why? And finally, what are some challenges to implementing biology-inspired design strategies and how may these barriers be overcome? These questions are meant to make those in biology 494 think about living situations as well as improvements that society could make to increase overall happiness. To begin how might we use an evolutionary perspective to our advantage to make people happier when designing cities? This is a question that was addressed during module 5 reading number 29 and 30. Those reading addressed how based on research of the past and even current living conditions that sustainability is an important fact into making a city successful and the people happiest. Transportation in the city is pointed towards being mainly foot traffic, bike …show more content…

According to some research life is better outside of cities which can lead to the belief that cities with large parks, outdoors and more do a lot better than those which are cement jungles. The question of whether or not my neighborhood makes me happy is something that changes constantly. Location, the ability to walk to classes or use public transportation to classes does make me happy but when it is too hot outside to walk and I am no longer in classes I am too far from being in nature and too far from work to make me happy because it has turned into a feeling like all I do is commute which has also been proven to be one of the worst parts of many peoples days according to previous module