Sections 5.2 (To do) Summarise the policies and procedures schools may have relating to: Staff: Pay policy – The department of education obliges that every school is to improve and keep an up-to-date school salary policy. The appropriate Body should organise a salary policy in discussion with the staff members. The salary must comprise of an agreed management arrangement appropriate to the most current needs of the school setting. Performance management policy – This policy is to help any staff member to aim on performing their duties in a more of a better and efficient way in which the school aims that will lead to a higher standard. This includes improved pupil achievement. This can be defined as the way the school accomplishes its aims and main concerns by supporting …show more content…
This policy can include the rules to follow and what aims are required for the children to learn successfully. Early year’s policy –This policy falls under the Early Years Foundation Stage as it is mostly just play settings that need to be registered on the Early Years Register. The policy is to help all young children attain the five Every Child Matters outcomes, which is being healthy, staying safe, enjoying and achieving, making a positive contribution and achieving economic well-being. Teaching and learning policy – The quality of teaching and learning in any school has now gotten a more direct impact on the children. The quality of a teacher is really important. The report SEND review indicated that a declaration is not enough as of September 2010 from OFSTED and this was serious of the way schools were lecturing special needs. Just one of their fears was that the teachers was diagnosing children as having some sort of special educational needs when in fact it was their very own teaching to be the