
Explain How The Bible Verses That Discuss Discipline From God's Perspective Are

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Question 1: Three Bible verses that discuss discipline from God’s perspective are... The Bible has so much to say about discipline that I found it difficult only to quote three verses! I believe the following scriptures are vital, as they teach us that God always disciplines with love and purpose. For instance, Proverbs 3:12 (New Living Translation) explains that God corrects us because of His great love. Hebrews 12:5-6 reiterates the same message. In these verses, we see the authors' desperate attempt to connect God's divine love to discipline. Many people have grown up in abusive homes where the word discipline brings back horrible memories. They may have a warped view of love, correction, and what it means to be a mother or father. Question 2: These verses are important to me because... I chose these verses because the word "love" is frequently mentioned, and we know that God is love (1 John 4:8). I get a picture of a good father (Abba), who has a plan and purpose for my life (Jeremiah 29:11). Everything He does is totally necessary and for our good (Romans 8:28). In Proverbs 29:15, God exhorts us not to neglect correction. We can see …show more content…

The goal of His discipline is for the devoted to repent. Sin separates us from God, and He will correct us to make us repent of something that is causing havoc in our life. We are also called to be "imitators of God" (Ephesians 5), so it is imperative that we as parents, follow this example. Whenever I correct my son, I always use it as a teaching moment. He hit a kid in the arm today because they were teasing him about being last in line. When I was speaking to him about his unacceptable behavior, he slouched down so that his head was partly hidden by his jacket. I reminded him of how Adam and Eve hid in the garden from God because they knew they had sinned. I wanted to teach him repentance and

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