Explain How The Orientation Of A Particular Object Affects The Coefficient Of Friction

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The purpose of this lab was to investigate how the orientation of a particular object affects the coefficient of friction and how to calculate the coefficient of friction and calculate it.
The question we are trying to answer is: If I change the orientation of the object on different surfaces what will happen to its coefficient?


When the orientation of the object is changed from standing up to laying down the coefficient of friction will changed. When the surfaces is changed the coefficient of friction will change. Variables:
Independent Variables: Different surfaces, orientation of the weight
Dependent Variables: Coefficient of friction
Control Variable: Weight

Methods and Materials

Wax Paper
Protractor …show more content…

What factors seem to cause a small coefficient of friction? Explain.
Objects that tend to weigh less move more easily, so if in this experiment we put a marble instead of the weight. The marble would move quickly with a lower angle thus causing a small coefficient of friction. Also a round object would move quickly so that would result in a lower coefficient also.

Q4. What materials did you use to get the lowest and highest coefficient of friction? Explain why you think that these materials have either low or high coefficients.
We only used one material which was the weight in this experiment. The weight had a smooth surface which may have allowed it to slip easily compared to a material that has rougher sides. An object with a smoother surface has less friction and when gravity acts upon it, it will slide easily thus at a lower angle causing a low coefficient.
Q5. Why is the tangent of the angle at which the object starts to slip equal to the coefficient of friction?
The tangent of the angle at which the object starts to slip is equal to the coefficient of friction because of this equation: μ = mg(sinθ)/mg(singθ) = sinθ/cosθ = tanθ μ = tanθ

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