How To Improve Your Health Habits Essay

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Following a healthy diet and exercise strengthen your defenses, but will raise them to the sky adding these 5 habits to improve your health.

Improve Your Health Habits
If you want a strong and ready immune system to fight disease, have extremely high energy levels and also experience and enjoyment of life as never before, then you need is to add these simple tips to improve health.
It is adding some habits that in a few days you do not feel it, They will be part of your nature !. Learn these good ways to live better and have more health.

Diet and exercise
It is no secret: clean diet and exercise are two powerful weapons to have the greatest possible health. However, there are two elements that we often leave behind; although there are simple ways to add these …show more content…

Sleep well
Sure you know you need 8 hours of sleep each night (or at least more than 6 hours, if you have difficult times). But rather than quantity, you should notice the quality of your rest. Clematise your room so that it is fresh and inviting, use proper bedding, and removes your electronic screens and seating area. The deep and relaxant sleep can renew energies recover the body, and cope with the disease.

5. Drink two liters of water daily
Most of the time we do not notice that we are dehydrated, because we drink soda, coffee or other infusions that despite quench thirst, not us properly hydrated. You need to drink at least 2 liters of water each day, distributed throughout the day so that your metabolism and all your systems work to perfection. So you will wear an elastic skin and glossy hair, and even more importantly, have more health.

Start by drinking a glass or well out of bed in the morning, accompanying your meal or with more water, and drink another large glass before going to sleep. Drink the rest throughout the day, even if you do not feel thirsty.
With only 5 health habits to improve your life will change completely and, best of all, in no time, not even notice that you 're

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