Explain In No More Than 200 Words How The Knowledge Of Vehicle Components Leads To Safe Driving

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Homework DAY 2 1. Explain in no more than 200 words how the knowledge of vehicle components leads to safe driving? Knowing basic knowledge of your vehicle’s components and operation helps you understand how the vehicle should safely perform and prevents possible accidents. Getting a sense of what your vehicle looks, feels, smells, and sounds like when it is fully functioning properly can help you identify any changes in the way it operates. These signals could inform you of problems relating to your vehicle, which could prevent major accidents in the future. For example, hearing squeaks from your breaks is a good indication to change your pads, and could prevent you from a collision due to faulty breaks. As well, these changes can inform a driver to …show more content…

Briefly explain how highway driving differs from city driving. Give 3 points of difference? Highway driving differs from city driving due to the difference in speed, amount of obstacles, and streetlights. City streets have speed limits in which it is easy to keep in control of your vehicle and come to a stop if necessary. Highways have much higher speed limits that decrease you vehicle control, especially when changing lanes and merging. In addition, city streets have far more obstacles including pedestrians, cyclists, construction, parked cars, and traffic lights and signs. These force city driving to be slower with more braking, and enforce more caution to a driver’s surroundings. In contrast, highways contain very little amounts of obstructions due to the high speeds. This allows the driver to focus more on their vehicle and speed. As well, city streets are very lit as there are numerous overhead streetlights that allow better vision of the road ahead. Clearer vision of the road ensures safer driving as you as more aware of your surroundings. On highways, there is less street lighting, which limit your vision and enforce more caution to the road ahead as signs and road symbols are more challenging to

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