Explain The Five Major Childhood Diseases

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“Five major childhood diseases and injuries” By: Malva M Ramirez. Children are at most risk to catch different diseases and germs because they haven’t had all their vaccinations, and aren’t that good at washing their hands. Today I want to talk about the five most common illnesses children get, and also their five most common injuries. This can give you an overall idea on how to treat these conditions. Symptoms vary depending on the illnesses so watch out for the signs to be prepared in case your child or someone you know may need your help. The Common Cold, you probably know the drill, treat a mild fever, congestion, coughing, and a sore throat with lots of fluids and rest. This disease certainly is very common, as its name indicates, your child or someone …show more content…

Pinworms result from kids’ poor hygiene. These are tiny parasites that infect children, and are very contagious. When an infected child scratches her bottom and doesn 't clean her hands, she can easily pass them on to other kids who get infected when they put their hands in their mouth. The eggs move down the digestive system, hatch, and lay their eggs around the anus. Your doctor will give you special tape to affix at night and will analyze it for pinworms and eggs. Only one or two doses of prescription medication are needed to get rid of them, but you 'll have to wash their towels and bedding in hot water. Unfortunately, illness is not the only thing we need to watch out for. Children get into accidents very often, and some of these injuries could even cause death if parents are not attentive. The most common injury in children is burns, are one of the most common childhood accidental injuries. These include sunburns, electrical burns, and burns caused by stoves, lamps, matches, lighted cigarettes, and fireplaces. Other dangers include hot liquids and steam from a pan, cup, or hot water heater. Burns from bathwater are also common, especially if your water heater is set higher than 120 degrees