Explain The Interconnectedness Of The Afro-Afro-Eurasia

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The interconnectedness of people around the world started gradually when the people would travel further distances to trade goods and visit other cities in the Afro-Eurasia part of the world. Some of the large empires also had a great impact in interconnecting people by introducing new cultures and goods from far away lands. The effect of these changes brought an impact on the economy, on the exchange of cultures and ideas that significantly assisted in the interconnectedness of the Afro-Eurasia regions, leading to Europe’s world domination in the 1500s. A short-lived empire that had a larger impact than other empires before in the interconnectedness of the Afro-Eurasia regions was King Alexander from Macedonia’s Empire. He was also called …show more content…

Alexander’s conquests in Persian lands and distant regions between 334-323 BCE helped in the spread of Hellenistic culture and the Asian culture. Hellenism and the Greek language were of big influence in people from places far away from Macedonia that established a common culture. Alexander helped in the propagation of Hellenistic Greek culture as it’s summarized in this text “The vibrancy of the cultural exchange as Europe and Asia collided was astonishing... According to Plutarch, Alexander made sure that the Greek theology was taught far away as India” (Frankopan). Hellenism was adopted and extended around the Mediterranean into the Southwest Asia as it reads “ Ideas, themes and stories coursed through the highways, spread by travelers, merchants, and pilgrims: Alexander’s conquest paved the way for the broadening of the minds of the populations of the lands he captured, as well as those in the periphery and beyond who came into contact with new ideas, new images and new concepts” (Frankopan). After the sudden death of Alexander the Great trade routes …show more content…

They come with their wives and children, carrying great packs and plaited baskets of what looks like green grape-leaves” (Schoff). Other significant influences in the interconnectedness of the Afro-Eurasia area was the Roman Empire and the Mongol Empire, they conquered large areas where trade flourished and cultural ideas spread around many regions. Even after the fall of the Roman Empire its influence was felt around the world in many ways but most importantly was the spread of Christianity. Initially it was the conversion of Emperor Constantine that marked the start of Christianity as the dominant religion of the Roman Empire which was spread around the globe (Frankopan). Finally, the Mongol Empire also had an eminent effect in the interconnectedness of the people from Afro-Eurasia in the more than a hundred years that they ruled. Even though some people still debate between the Mongols achievements and the devastation they left between their destructive battles and the spread of the black plague, others admire the contributions they had in the diffusion of arts, religions and technology from China like the gunpowder and printing as it reads “The Mongols supported

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