
Explain The Key Features Of The Behaviourist Perspective

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A psychologist is a person who studies the behaviours and the factors which can affect an individual. Psychologists study mental processes and human behaviour by observing, interpreting and recording how people and animals relate to each other and the environment. Andy is 32 years old and was recently been involved in a road traffic accident where his partner died. He has been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and has begun to self-harm. Keira is 54 years old and has become addicted to taking painkillers following a surgery she had three years ago. She found the surgery quite traumatic as it followed a diagnosis of cancer and has altered her appearance. Behaviourist Perspective The main idea of the behaviourist perspective is that it’s attainable to understand the different types of behaviour by seeing what the individual have learned. This includes certain personality traits, such as shyness and confidence, as well as brief behaviours such as offering to help clean the house. Behavioural psychologists explain all human behaviour as resulting from experience. There are two key psychologists that are associated with the behaviourist perspective are Ivan Pavlov and Burrhus Frederic Skinner. Both theorists believed that different process were involved, however they both explained all the types of behaviour as being the result of learning. …show more content…

Classical conditioning is a strength of the behaviourist perspective. It’s a type of conditioning and learning process in which something (conditioned stimulus) that has not previously produced a response becomes associated with something (unconditioned stimulus) that produces the response. As result, the conditioned stimulus will obtain the response that the unconditioned stimulus produces. Two stimuli are linked together to produce a new learned response in a personal or

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